When a death is caused by the negligence or fault of another person, entity, or business in Florida, a wrongful death case can be pursued under Chapter 768, Florida Statutes. It should be noted that when a person dies in the State of Florida, the civil lawsuit focuses on the loss, pain, and suffering on the surviving family member which may include a parent, child, or both. Certainly, a person who dies as a result of an accident may have suffered extreme pain prior to death. There may have been an extended hospitalization leading to death. However, once the person dies, the type of case that is pursued is a Florida Wrongful Death case assuming that the death was proximately caused by the trauma from the automobile accident or trucking accident.
There are many twists and turns to the pursuit of a Florida Wrongful Death Case. Because of this, it makes sense for family members to consult a Florida Personal Injury Attorney for advice, consultation, and legal representation. The book titled - When a Parent’s World Goes From Full to Empty - The Wrongful Death of a Child - What You Need to Know About the Florida Wrongful Death Act. The book has sections on Personal Representative, Settlement / Compensation, Damages, and other topics. You can get this book for free at From Full to Empty.