
What are the Legal Rights of a Child Injured at Walt Disney World? Recent Alligator Attack

Walt Disney World Orlando advertises itself as one of the "Happiest Places on Earth". For millions of visitors every year, it is quite a happy and joyful place filled with rides, cartoon characters, and adventures; however, for many children and their families, Walt Disney World Orlando happens to be a placed filled with horrific memories, significant personal injuries, tragedy, and even the untimely and wrongful death of a visitor from children to teens to adults. Certainly, Walt Disney World Orlando welcomes children and families to its many theme parks, attractions, resorts, and hotels. As such, it is important that Walt Disney World Orlando provide a safe and well maintained environment with the full knowledge that every day families and young children will be on the premises. This duty extends to all areas of the park and resorts including but not limited to the attractions, rides, restaurants, hotels, lobby areas, swimming pool areas, recreation areas, and yes, the other aquatic areas whether man-made or natural in the form of lakes, ponds, canals, lagoons, and other areas. It is incumbent upon Walt Disney World Orlando to patrol the areas, maintain the areas, clean up the areas, and post prominent signage about potential dangers that may include those related to electrical and wildlife. If an area has the potential for significant injury or death, this particular area should either be closed off, modified, and / or posted with prominent signage.

A recent incident at Walt Disney World Orlando left a family and community in shock when an alligator from the Seven Seas Lagoon lunged out of the water and grabbed a 2 year old who was standing in or near the water with his father. The boy, who was vacationing with his family from Nebraska, was attacked by the alligator. While the father tried to do his best to stop the attack and save his son, he was unable to do so. It was reported that there were signs in the area that advised visitors about the designation of a "No Swimming" area. There may not have been any warnings or signage about the presence of dangerous wildlife including but not limited to alligators. Certainly, this incident was and is a complete and utter nightmare for the family visiting the "Magic Kingdom" from Nebraska. The incident was immediately reported to Walt Disney World Orlando officials, resort staff and management, local law enforcement, and Florida Wildlife Law Enforcement officers. You can read more about this tragedy at KETV Omaha, Nebraska - Alligator Attacks and Drags 2 Year Old Nebraska Boy at Walt Disney World Orland Resort - Seven Seas Lagoon.

The injury and / or wrongful of a child is a harrowing experience. Certainly, as parents, we work day and night to provide for our children's safety, health, and welfare. When a child is injured or when a child dies as a result of the negligence of another person, business entity, or government entity, a parent is faced with a number of life, medical, and legal challenges. Certainly, it is important that these trying times to be supported by family members, friends, community, medical professionals, clergy, community, and, yes, when necessary an experienced and caring Florida Child Injury Lawyer. Big businesses are supported day / night by in-house and retained legal counsel essentially on a 24 / 7 basis. There are risk management and insurance risk management adjuster in place to advise and protect the companies. As such, injury victims and their families also deserve legal representation to make that legal rights are protected, enforced, and preserved as needed especially in the aftermath of significant personal injuries and /or wrongful death.

David Wolf is a Florida Child Injury Lawyer with over 25 years of experience in serving his clients and communities. He has a special interests in child rights and devotes his community service hours to those organizations to promote child safety and wellness including the Jacksonville Jewish Community Alliance where he serves on the Board of Directors as the Vice Present and the Florida Elite Soccer Academy where he serves as a Special Advisor. As part of his child advocacy work, he is the author of 5 books including the book titled The ABCs of Child Injury - Legal Rights of the Injured Child - What Every Parent Should Know. This book has chapters on School Injuries, Day Care Center Injuries, and yes, Amusement and Theme Park Injuries. You can get this book for free atThe ABCs of Child Injury. He is also the author of the book titled - When a Parent's World Goes From Full to Empty - The Wrongful Death of a Child - What You Need to Know About The Florida Wrongful Death Act. You can get this book for free at From Full to Empty.

David Wolf provides a FREE CONSULTATION for all personal injury cases and handles personal injury cases on a Contingency Basis - NO RECOVERY - NO FEE. David Wolf strongly believes in Giving a Voice to Injured Children and Their Families. Contact David Wolf - day or night - 24 / 7 - for a FREE CONSULTATION. That's right 24 / 7. Get the legal team that you deserve in place just like the big companies and big corporations. Get D Wolf - On Your Side - At Your Side.

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