
Does an Injury Victim Really Need to See a Medical Provider Within 14 Days Following a Florida Automobile Accident?

In the State of Florida, there are laws and insurance regulations that are unique automobile accident cases or claims. While there are a number of ways in which a person can be injured in the State of Florida, automobile accidents are handled differently than other types of cases. It would be nice and comforting because of the injury. However, through the years the legislature insurance and industry have put forth the laws and regulations that distinguish automobile accident cases from other types of cases. In 2013, a new provision was enacted regarding the provision of medical care and the payment of benefits under what is termed PIP coverage or Personal Injury Protection coverage. Many years ago, the basic PIP laws enacted and made part of Florida No-Fault laws. Under the laws that went into effect in 2013, an injury victim must be treated and or evaluated by a medical provider within 14 days to qualify for benefits under a Florida automobile insurance policy.

When a person is involved in an accident, the medical expenses are typically processed under the injury victim's automobile policy regardless of who was at fault of the automobile accident. Even if a person is injured by a drunk driver, the medical bills up front get processed under the injury victim's PIP automobile policy assuming that the injury victim owns a vehicle that has coverage. If the injury victim does not own the vehicle and then there is a search or investigation for other policies which may cover the injury victim under the PIP coverage for the automobile insurance policy.

A person can still pursue a claim or case against the at fault driver and / or at fault owner even if there was a delay of 14 days int getting the initial treatment following an accident. However, it should be noted that an automobile accident claim and treatment are made a bit easier when PIP is available to pay for medical bills incurred due to accident related personal injuries.

The 14 day requirement and other requirements under Florida law can be quite confusing and complicated. As such, it typically is advisable for an injury victim to consult with a Florida Personal Injury Lawyer to discuss the respective rights of the injury victim. The book - When the Wheels Stop Spinning - Legal Rights of the Injured Child - What Parents Should Know After the Accident - has chapters on Automobile Accidents, Bicycle Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Insurance Claims and Cases, and other topics. You can get this book for free at When the Wheels Stop Spinning.

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